Stip: Rustem from Stip with his wife have no place to bathe, no money to eat and live in an abandoned shed

Rustem and Sheherazade from Lakavica in Stip until a few years ago were happy and healthy, but today everything has changed radically. They live in an abandoned barracks, they are hungry and their health is not the best, they have been together for 25 years, but life has hit them hard.

This family has not always been in this situation, they worked abroad. But they also had their own plumbing company. A business that did not work for him and now he will not have even 1800 denars (30 euros) to close the company with which he would apply for income. They do not even have a bathroom. - I will take a bath in the bathroom several times a year, but my wife just wipes herself with a damp handkerchief, we can not do more than that.

- We were in Montenegro as seasonal workers but they reduced their salaries, the situation became bad and we came here, but since then nothing has happened in our lives, says Rustem

- I borrow in the local store, we take some minimum income that is barely enough for diapers and medicines.

- In addition to the situation we are in even more pain is my son, who made a big mistake in life and is now in a home for minors.

- The bad company did its thing, he succumbed to some games, but I hope that soon he will come out and be by my side.



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