Macedonia has a new government, Roma political parties remained in front of the window of the patisserie with only a finger in their mouth!

"Uncle, let's have a scoop of ice cream," said a Roma boy.

"No ice cream, it's over!" Said the confectioner.

"Well, give me an eclair, or a tulumba," asked the Roma boy.

"It's not there either, it's all over, there's nothing left, you can not see that I'm cleaning the cupboard of crumbs with burek," said uncle confectioner.

"Well, then, if you can, the crumbs of burek, please," said the Roma man pleadingly.

"Hey, you are boring! "Here, take these crumbs and you will not be sick," said the confectioner angrily

"Falaaaaa a lot" - said the Roma boy, took the crumbs and disappeared outside, running across the street and reached his neighborhood and boasted to his friends: "Brother, I made the confectioner, rags! "I took his burek crumbs in vain!"

This is exactly the situation with the Roma and the Roma political bloc after the latest distribution of ministerial, deputy ministerial positions, director positions and other higher positions according to the latest composition of the Government.

There are only Roma in the first and second echelon - nowhere!

The Roma political rating is worth as much as in this Government led by SDSM, and it seems that it will be the same in another one led by VMRO DPMNE and others.

That is why, dear Roma politicians and leaders, get involved in serious changes and regrouping in your political agendas if you want to be a serious partner of the major Macedonian and Albanian parties, because with the current position SDSM, VMRO DPMNE, DUI or other parties immediately scan you and recognize your true capacities and your strength.

If you had the right strategy and even virtue by now, you would have had to punish your major coalition partners a thousand times, but still you did not do that and remained consistent with the "burek crumbs". And continue with your active FB policy. "The dogs are barking, the caravan is leaving"


..... continues

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