Successfully conducted training and awarded seven new certificates for Pedagogical Assistants

As a commitment to better education of children in primary education and successfully implemented activities and the need for pedagogical assistants in the previous period, Employment Agency in a previously opened call for "Pedagogical Assistants" conducted training lasting 3 months (October, November and December). The training was financially supported by Employment Agency. It was conducted under health protocols and that is why out of 30 registered candidates, eight candidates attended the training. Provider and implementer of the training was ARBICM from Skopje.

On January 5, in the elementary school Kliment Ohridski, the exam was held as well as the awarding of certificates with the title "Pedagogical assistants", in which the training and successfully passed exam were obtained by seven candidates.

Now in the following period it is necessary for the local self-government, more precisely the municipalities to show interest in hiring these pedagogical assistants in the primary schools that gravitate to their territory in order for better education of children in primary education.

The task of the Pedagogical Assistants for students will provide assistance in mastering part of the curriculum. At the same time, they will have the task of staying in the schools of the students who are at risk and will support the process of education of the students from the primary schools in the implementation of the curricula. They will also work with parents to raise awareness of their children's education and provide conditions for it.

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