Greece: Romani girl caught in sliding doors dies due to shocking indifference of bystanders, her family sees it as racism

Greek media outlets published video footage online at the close of November from a tragic incident in which an eight-year-old Romani girl got stuck in the sliding door of a factory located in the Keratsini suburb of Piraeus, including the shocking behavior of about six or seven adults who watched her die before their very eyes. Security camera footage broadcast by SAR TV that same evening documents the unprecedented human indifference shown toward the girl named Olga, who died without anybody coming to her aid - likely on the basis of the factory management's orders.  

The footage shows one worker prodding the little girl with his foot to ascertain whether she is alive or not. At about 17:30 on 17 November she had been attempting to hide in the factory yard. 

When she tried to leave, her body was slammed twice by the sliding metal doors to the facility, holding her stuck in place. Nobody came to her aid. 

The girl tried to catch her breath for the next 20 minutes, but no one offered her any assistance. The footage shows a worker walking past her, averting his head and leaving. 



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