Greek Police Shoot Dead Young Roma; Protests Erupt Near Athens

Greek police shot and killed a 20-year-old Roma man early Saturday morning. The shooting took place following a car chase in the suburb of Perama, west of Athens. A 15-year-old was also injured, and another teenager ran from the scene.

Seven police officers have been arrested in connection with the death. The same officers were also reportedly injured during the chase and subsequent shoot-out, but the Greek Police have not provided details on the extent of their injuries at this time.

The car chase started after officers attempted to pull over the 20-year-old man, who was driving what the officers later confirmed was a stolen vehicle. The driver refused to stop and drove off, causing the police to pursue him on their motorcycles.

The chase came to a dramatic end when a bus suddenly came towards the driver, causing him to back up into the “five police motorcycles chasing him” according to a statement issued by the Greek Police.

Police used a weapon to stop the vehicle, resulting in the fatal injury of the driver and the injury of one of the passengers, who was taken to hospital and is being treated out of danger,” the statement also said.






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