Cadiz: Fali: "Being a gypsy is the best thing

Fali has the feeling that she continues to live in a dream. That he is nothing more than a fan surrounded by top-level footballers. Although he himself is the great bastion of a Cádiz that fights like no one in the First Division.

This story does not begin with this interview, but in the days when the hardest pandemic hit and people went out on the balcony to applaud the toilets. Rafael Giménez (Valencia, 1993), Fali for football, could not go to train with Cádiz because fear paralyzed him. He has no cell phone. He took that of his wife, María, and found oxygen among those who asked him. This journalist could not then capture that emotional torrent on paper, but established the link with which the circle is closed here. In Fali there is much more than the grace, the rawness and the impudence of his answers. Reflect and try to go further. He never loses sight of his origins. He proudly defends his gypsy ethnicity. And he walks with the care of someone who knows that the dream life of football has an expiration date.


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