Study shows “extreme disadvantage” of Sinti and Roma in education

Sinti and Roma continue to experience extreme disadvantage in the German school and training system.

That is the conclusion of an as yet unpublished study, as reported by the news magazine “Der Spiegel”. According to this, 40 percent of the 18 to 50-year-old members of the minorities do not have completed vocational training; almost 15 percent of 18 to 25 year olds leave school without a qualification. 17 percent of those surveyed in this age group have a high school diploma. The head of the Institute for Sociology at the Freiburg University of Education, Albert Scherr, said these were dramatic numbers at the level of the late 1960s.

The discrimination against Roma and Sinti had attracted attention this week through criticism of the WDR talk show “The Last Instance”. Celebrities had discussed calls for the traditional name of a meat sauce to be dispensed with.

This message was broadcast on February 6th, 2021 on Deutschlandfunk.



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