Diaspora Europe: Racism against Rom * nja and Sinte * zze on the net

They all have a history in Europe and are part and culture of this continent. But they also unite exclusion, experiences of difference, transfiguration and defamation: Diaspora Europe unites different contemporary perspectives of Rom*nja, Sinte*zza and Jews on the here and now.
Originally planned for May 8 and 9, Diaspora Europe - together with the project "The Investigation 2020" based on Peter Weiss about the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt/Main - was to invite to an artistic discussion on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation from German National Socialism and Europe Day. We are horrified to see how quickly, in a crisis-ridden year like 2020, old prejudices, even those already believed to be dead, mingle like a ghost in social discourses.
Diaspora Europe focuses on letting the communities themselves take a stand, presenting their own perspectives and narratives on Europe and its history. To this end, journalist Shelly Kupferberg and the Executive Director of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) Tímea Junghaus have invited artists from a wide range of genres to show their work. Memories, identities, locations, surveys and visions of living together in Europe are presented, discussed and finally celebrated in a kaleidoscopic way in performances, conversations and music. The aim here is to articulate intersections of shared experiences and - on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day on 10 December and the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism on 27 January - to enter into a dialogue with the audience, with a common voice in diversity.

Link: https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/de/programm/11677/diaspora-europa-rassismus-gegen-rom-nja-und-sinte-zze-im-netz

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