Bitter times for Roma children in Germany. Deportations never end

On December 10th, 61 people were deported from Hanover to Serbia and Macedonia. The day before there was already a collective deportation from Baden-Württemberg to both countries. In the machine from Hanover sat people from different federal states, families with small children, just adult young people. Many of them are Roma. Two of them were born in Göttingen . You were picked up by the police and put on the plane to Belgrade. There they were left to their own devices. Two boys who have never been separated from their families whose entire family is here. An 18-year-old Romni, who was born in Lower Saxony, escaped deportation because she happened to be away from home when the police were at the door.

Deportations to Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo also take place regularly during the Corona crisis . Many of the deported are Roma who fled the wars in Yugoslavia or were expelled from the area after the war in Kosovo. Your children were often born and raised in Germany and are deported to a country that they don't even know, that didn't even exist at the time of their birth and whose language they don't speak. They have no home in these countries. Therefore, they keep fleeing.

Politicians and the public are not interested in these people and the causes of their flight.

We regularly receive messages from people who are acutely threatened with deportation. The 18-year-old twin brothers Ramazan and Ramadan were also born in Germany. On January 18, the police wanted to pick them up and deport them to Serbia separately from their families. You were not at home and can now be arrested at any time.

They both went to kindergarten and school here. They wanted to do an apprenticeship, but did not receive a training permit. Her mother fled Yugoslavia to Germany 22 years ago and her father 32 years ago. The country is home to both of them. Yet they were only tolerated here all their lives.

In Ramazan's words:

“Now the time has come, my brother and I are to be deported to Serbia. A country we've never been to and whose language and culture we don't even know. In Serbia we don't have anyone from our family. We have no chance of a sane life there. We have plans for our future in Germany. We want to learn a job, get married and start a family. However, this is not conceivable in Serbia due to the prevailing conditions there.

We need your help and support. Our human dignity has been violated, we are wanted and no longer know what to do. The psychological stress that this creates is unimaginable. Sleepless nights of fear, depression and constant panic attacks. "

Those affected keep telling us about these health consequences. Living in constant uncertainty makes them sick.

We demand a right of residence for Ramadan and Ramazan and all those who have been tolerated for years!

It cannot be that families are separated and deported after decades!



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