Bulgaria: A sixteen-year-old teenager beat a young Roma child from the village of Vabel for no reason

The 16-year-old HS is the young man who hit and kicked, a helpless man in the village of Vabel near Nikopol, News24sofia.eu news agency has learned exclusively.
Sources from the system of the Ministry of Interior claim to News24sofia.eu that the young man has a criminal record and this is not the first time there have been such cases of aggression against innocent people. I know the man who was kicked. He was born with a disability, but he never did anything wrong and is completely well-meaning. He goes to people's houses to help, said the mayor of the village of Vabel Darin Kinov to his colleagues from NOVA. The press center of the Ministry of Interior told News24sofia.eu that the young man was detained for 24 hours. According to our sources in the police, the prosecutor's office will most likely request permanent detention for 72 hours. A report from our media on social networks shows that the boy regularly uploads photos and videos with violence. His personal profile also shows that the boy is showing strength.

Link: https://news24sofia.eu/2020/12/22/samo-v-news24sofia-eu-vizhte-koy-e-16-godishniq-snimki-video/?fbclid=IwAR1m4u4wLWW9OQyqU2jQ4SQ1f5WjQkmrvn8F8lfT-KCrfnSa-Waqpk_1LXE


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