The story of a 26-year-old Romanian Roma woman from Bel Barbu, Utah, USA: “I was sold as a baby to another family - my parents were told I was dead!

The young Romanian woman was sold to an American family when she was a baby
Less than a year ago, she found out that she was sold to an American family, but today, fortunately, she managed to find her real parents thanks to the charity Operation Underground Railroad.
Namely, when she was born in October 1994, the doctors told her parents that Bell was ill, and kept her in the hospital and her parents let them go home. When they returned to see her, the doctors told her that she had died.
- As they were leaving, one of the nurses ran after them to tell them the truth, that they had sold me to an American family. My parents used the last money they had for gas and drove to every orphanage to try to find me. But the money ran out and after a year they no longer knew where to look.
Growing up in America, I did not look like my blonde parents at all. But when I was eight, they explained to me that they had adopted me when I was a little baby, it was a huge shock. They told me that my last name was Barba, that I was born in Romania and that my parents did not like me. Confused and ashamed, I hid it from everyone, but the pain never disappeared - she said.
In July 2019, I came across a Facebook group that helps adopted Romanians find their families. I nervously announced my age and surname and was surprised when I received some answers immediately. Sarah, the woman who led the group, recognized my rare last name, and just 48 hours later, she addressed my brother Moses, 20, on social media. Sarah was texting, and I soon learned that I had a sister, Simona, 33, and a brother, Florian, 29. Then I learned that my biological mother, Margaret, and my father, Zambila, now live near Rome. I received so much information in such a short time that it went through my head.
The charity organized DNA tests that proved she was the daughter of Margarie and Zambila, and in November last year Bell went to Rome, where her parents have lived for 19 years. - When I stepped in the yard and fell into my mother's arms, it was the most euphoric feeling. I knew I was home. That night I cried for hours and spent four days hugging my father and holding my mother. Their love for me was so strong and I felt a strong bond with them.
Due to the coronavirus and limited resources, she was not able to travel to Italy again, but says she will go as soon as possible.
- I may never know exactly what happened to me as a baby, but I focus on the things I can do. I now work with organizations, including Operation Underground Railroad, and share my experience. "I tell everyone who listens to my story that they can help trafficking survivors by donating to charity and believing in their stories," she said.



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