Juan de Dios Ramirez-Heredia Montoya sent a pre-Christmas message: Appreciate family values ​​as Roma around the world do

The famous Spanish lawyer, journalist and IRU delegate Juan de Dios Ramirez-Heredia Montoya sent a pre-Christmas video message in which, among other things, he says:
"Who knows us well, we know what family means to us Roma. Nothing and no one is above the family core. That is why we value unity and closeness so much. That is why our children, when they get married and start a new family, want to continue living near their parents' home. And at lunch, for us, every day of the year is Christmas, because every day of the year we share with them what is more or less in the house. But today the circumstances have completely changed. The terrible pandemic that is hitting the world has hit us brutally. Our people, the poorest, the most marginalized, who lost their jobs because markets were closed or because their temporary jobs were linked to the hotel trade or tourism, were forced to turn to their neighbors' charities to bring a piece of bread to their houses. And the racism that does not stop us, from above, accused us of being the ones who spread the disease in their neighborhoods. But the truth is that we were the most affected because it was others who did not infect us with this disease. "Nevertheless, on behalf of the IRU and its members, we wish you peace and well-being on these holy days for much of humanity." link - https://unionromani.org/2020/12/11/para-nosotros-y-para-nuestros-hijos-todos-los-dias-del-ano-es-navidad/https://unionromani.org/2020/12/11/para-nosotros-y-para-nuestros-hijos-todos-los-dias-del-ano-es-navidad/

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