Energy Regulatory Commission: No increase in electricity, poor people will be subsidized

These are vulnerable categories of consumers, ie those who receive social assistance. This obligation to EVN is set out in the rules for electricity supply, and it is precisely defined that these vulnerable categories of consumers during the heating season, December, January and February, must not be excluded. So no consumer who receives social assistance and is in the vulnerable category of consumers defined by the Government, is excluded. What ERC is doing is that we will send a letter and a proposal to the Ministry of Economy to increase the range of vulnerable categories of consumers, said in the morning briefing Marko Bislimovski, President of the Energy Regulatory Commission.
In addition to those receiving social assistance, we will propose other categories that we consider vulnerable and face the inability to cover their bills to be included in these categories of consumers, which would mean receiving additional financial assistance from the state. During the next week, these categories will be concretized and the public will be informed, says Bislimovski and adds that until this moment there is no request for a new increase in electricity and if it comes it will be rejected.

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