VranjskaBanja: Roma cemetery where the dead "entertain" the living with unusual inscriptions and epitaphs

When someone meets you walking through a cemetery and laughing, they will tell you that you are rude. But not in some small Roma cemetery in VranjskaBanja. The dead smile at the living with their pictures of the most beautiful period of life, with little jokes and anecdotes that are like an inscription on their tombstones.

It is believed that the famous Kostana is also buried in that cemetery.

"I'm not sure, but I think these cemeteries are unique. According to the locals, such an act is to preserve the memory of the deceased in the moments when they were the happiest and most beautiful. "The Roma became emancipated, but still remained faithful to that tradition," said SlavomirKostic.

He says that the emancipation of the Roma was not reflected in their attitude towards life and death, and that according to them life is a much more important moment than death and that is why there are photos on the tombstones in the Chosiki neighborhood where life is placed before death, wishing the deceased forever. be remembered for a good and cheerful lifestyle.

Unfortunately, the cemetery is a bit neglected and overgrown with grass and weeds. Otherwise, on the tombstones of some of the deceased, there are photos of them playing, singing, playing an instrument. Photos with microphone in hand, accordion, trumpet, sizer. Otherwise, not only the photographs are interesting, but also the texts - the epitaphs written on the tombstones themselves. For example, one reads, "He inherited death in the middle of a tonsillectomy." Or on another tombstone it says: "You wanted to work, you wanted to cheat, instead of at home, you rest here"



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