Slovakia: Police Attack Roma Family in Their Apartment Allegedly for Loud Music from Their DVD

At around 11 pm on Tuesday in the town of Dobшиini - Slovakia, two city police officers broke into the social apartment of a Roma family, behaving vulgarly, swearing and physically attacking a member of the Kotlar family.

They had previously arrived at around 9pm and said to stop the music from their DVD which they immediately lowered the tone.

But they were not satisfied with that and broke into the apartment again and physically and verbally hit Jaroslav Kotlar and took away their DVD.

The next morning, Jaroslav came to the police station to get his DVD, for which the police officer demanded 30 euros. Jarslav noted that he did not know the reason why he had to pay 30 euros for his DVD, which was confiscated from him without parole.

According to Press TV, this is not the first time that local police officers have broken into Roma apartments and harassed them. Kotalr did not file a complaint in this case, but Press TV is following the event and whether there will be a solution to this incident.



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