Catalonia's Roma: Fighting stereotypes 600 years after migration

Spain's Roma are famous for flamenco, but Catalonia has its own community and it's determined to save cultural heritage.

Catalan rumba is a creation of Barcelona. Other Gypsies in other cities don't know how to play it and they'd admit it. We write about joy, about parties and love, and we chronicle the life of the neighbourhood.

We want to recover the Roma language because the new generations don't know it. European Gypsies speak Romani and when we meet them, we don't know it. We want to recover it and also the culture with it.

The language was forbidden for centuries in Spain and has disappeared entirely in Catalonia.

"We want to recover the Roma language because the new generations don't know it. European Gypsies speak Romani and when we meet them, we don't know it. We want to recover it and also the culture with it.

"Understanding history can stop the ignorance that makes us believe the stereotypes we see on television. If we know our history, we can be confident of who we are. If we are confident we can thrive."



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