Hungary: In the Hungarian village of Pusta Hence, a deliberately excavated road leading to the Roma from that village

According to the statements of the member of the IRU from Hungary, Diana Goman, in the locality of Pusta Hence. a village in southwestern Hungary, which has just over 1,300 inhabitants, the village itself is inhabited by members of the Roma community.


There is a local road in the village that is used by the Roma themselves, but according to them, these days that road has been excavated and destroyed. According to them, this was done intentionally by the villagers, only with the desire to cut off the Roma community from the rest of the village.

Allegedly, due to the pandemic with COVID 19, they thus wanted to distance themselves from the Roma community, so as not to become infected.


On the other hand, this move, according to the Roma from this village, showed that in fact the Hungarians themselves want to cause ethnic tensions, and openly show that the Roma are not welcome in their environment.


How the municipal authorities will react to this incident is still unknown and whether anyone will be responsible for this act. The fact is that this local road is the only road that can be used by vehicles, including ambulances, which need unimpeded access to the site during this pandemic. At the same time, the entry of fire engines and others is prevented.




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