Wood thieves caused a major incident on Sunday. Police officers with 7 police vehicles barely calmed down the crowd on Radanski Pat in Stip.

Wood thieves on Sunday - May 10, on Radanski Pat in Stip caused a big incident after the forest police tried to stop a overloaded Lada with trees…


According to a police statement, the thieves did not stop but fled. Forest police tried to get closer, but they started waving trees.


Police first arrived with two vehicles, but more people arrived at the scene, and police called for reinforcements. Five more police vehicles arrived, to which the Roma responded by arriving with a larger group of about 150 Roma.


Then there was real chaos, which fortunately did not cause a major incident.

Police are working to complete the case and criminal charges will be filed against the perpetrators.


The forest police said that they will go to every yard to determine the identity of the trees that will be found.


The fine for owning unmarked trees is 3,500 euros. The forest police is sending an appeal to the citizens not to buy stolen wood and not to stimulate the wood thieves.


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=O8gFNAb_u5I&feature=emb_logo

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