Serbia: Who can get 100 euros as economic aid from the government for the citizens of the Republic of Serbia

With the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia at the time of the coronavirus, which came into force on April 24, it is the same date that it will be considered that every adult citizen of Serbia has the right to state aid in the amount of 100 euros.


In order to acquire the right to assistance, it is necessary for every adult citizen of Serbia to have a valid ID card with an active place of residence in Serbia.

It is also necessary for everyone to have their own bank account, and if there is no money, the Ministry of Finance will take care of that.


They will be able to do so on the published telephone number from May 15 and the registration will be from June 1 to 5, 2020.

Anyone who is an adult citizen of Serbia by the date 24 April 2020 will be able to register on that phone number to leave their ID number, ID card number and the name of the bank where they have their bank account. Name and surname will not be required.



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