The Roma settlement Faculty in Sofia is under quarantine, and the Roma are left without any means of subsistence

Roma protest in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, for fear of losing a tougher measure on coronavirus-causing measures in Roma neighborhoods to spread the pandemic.


Since last Thursday, Roma from the Fakulteti and Filipovci neighborhoods have been under the control of checkpoints and care that they are at risk of infection because there have been about 10 cases of virus-positive cases in these Roma settlements.


Mayor Jordanka Fandukova has denied allegations that restricting movement in those neighborhoods actually discriminates.


But the Roma say that with this move it leaves most families without a basic existence, where in this region regular employment is very low.


"Most Roma are part of the gray economy," said Hristo Nikolov, a health mediator at the faculties. "They are unable to submit the documents for their employment and now they must not leave the settlement and earn a living."



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