Amnesty International criticizes closures of Romani settlements in Bulgaria and Slovakia as part of COVID-19 response

The authorities in Bulgaria and Slovakia have put a number of Roma settlements under compulsory quarantine, arguing that such measures are necessary for the protection of public health and safety. Amnesty International considers that unless the governments can justify that these measures were lawful, pursue a legitimate aim, are proportionate to that aim and are not discriminatory, they amount to a violation of human rights.


Amnesty International is seriously concerned about the implementation and enforcement of the quarantine measures. According to our research, the authorities have failed to provide the Roma families living in affected settlements with the necessary means to protect themselves, and have also failed to ensure that they have adequate access to water, sanitation, food, hygiene products and health care.


Across Europe, Roma represent one of the most disadvantaged communities. In Slovakia and Bulgaria, many Roma families live in poverty, in overcrowded housing and in informal settlements without adequate access to public supply of water and electricity. Roma experience marginalization and discrimination in all walks of life, from education and health to employment.




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