Croatia: If a coronavirus enters Roma neighborhoods, it will be a disaster

There are about 17,000 Roma in Croatia, most of them in Medjumurje. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, few mention them, but if the virus enters Roma neighborhoods where infrastructure is weak, it will turn into a real humanitarian and health disaster.


The only good thing about this whole situation is that these neighborhoods are socially remote and somehow isolated from the community. The Croatian government is adopting economic measures, but not for the most endangered group, which includes Roma.


Fortunately, the virus has not yet appeared in those neighborhoods, and if it did, it would be too early for a huge fire, say Roma leaders from that country.


"The epidemic will have a hard time affecting the Roma," said ombudsman Laura Vidovic. Emphasizing that Roma now need medical care and food as well as hygiene packages. They are unable to supply themselves regularly due to limited movement because 68% of households do not have their own car, public transport is abolished and it is forbidden to leave the place of residence without a pass.



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