EU to delay human and minority rights initiatives due to COVID-19

The EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency said in a report published on 8 April that “government responses to stop the virus particularly affect the rights of already vulnerable or at-risk people, such as the elderly, children, people with disabilities, Roma or refugees”.


However, because of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a Commission spokesperson told EURACTIV, “the Commission is currently reviewing its work programme for 2020”. The official added that “a new programme will be published in the coming weeks.”

The draft copy reveals that Commission officials are exploring the possibility of delaying a number of initiatives related to LGBTI, Roma and gender rights.


According to the explanatory note to the document, the Commission plans to focus “in first instance on those initiatives that will directly and meaningfully contribute to overcoming the crisis,” while postponing others “until normal business can resume later in 2020.”


Additionally, the note proposes to defer several initiatives to 2021 considering the “limited absorption capacity of co-legislators to deal with legislative files, as well as the capacity of our services to deliver also on the urgent COIVD-19 related measures.”



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