Serbia: Regime thugs attack Roma

The regime's fascist neranimajiks, known as the "Leviathan", were once again active in public a few days after the cowardly and prolonged attack on the Garip family in Belgrade.


In fact, this violent group, without any reason or evidence, accused the family of organizing dog fights and animal cruelty, and decided to take away a dog on national grounds by intimidation and threats.


That the intimidation was racially justified was proved by the fact that their racial dog was taken away while the scrub was left on. If the cause was the terror of the animals, they would take both dogs.


Two years ago, the Garip family was the target of executors who were evicted from their home in Belgrade's Dorchol neighborhood to build luxury apartments and office space.


They were placed in containers without electricity and water, in completely unhygienic conditions. They are also threatened with eviction because of the space planned for the construction of luxury apartments and office space.



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