Why are masks worn in some countries and not in others?

The fact that some countries introduce a mask while others reject it is not just a matter of government directives and health advice - it's also about culture and history.


Since the outbreak of the virus epidemic, the official World Health Organization's advice has been clear. Only two types of people should wear masks: those who are ill and show symptoms and those who care for people suspected of having a coronavirus.


No one else has to wear face masks, and there are several reasons for this.

One is that the mask is not perceived as reliable protection, as current research shows that the virus spreads through droplets and through contact with contaminated surfaces.


This can protect you, but only in certain situations, such as when you are near other people where the infected person can sneeze or cough near your face. So experts say washing hands with soap and water is a much more effective measure.


Link: https://lokalno.mk/zoshto-vo-nekoi-zemji-se-nosat-maski-a-ne-vo-drugi/

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