Stanije died at 33 years of coronavirus: alarm in a Roma camp in Rome

The autopsy on the body of Stanije Yovanovic, the thirty-year-old who died of coronavirus at Spallanzani hospital, will serve to confirm that the man did not suffer from previous pathologies. It is the youngest victim of CoVid-19 in Lazio. The ASL is carrying out investigations in the Roma camp in via Salviati.


The 33-year-old from Montenegro who died of coronavirus at the Lazzaro Spallanzani hospital in Rome was called Stanije Yovanovic. The death dates back to yesterday, Wednesday 25 March, a few days after the death of Emanuele Renzi, the 34-year-old from Cave who died after contracting the virus.


Like him, Stanije also seems to have had no previous pathologies, to ascertain this, it will be necessary to wait for the results of the autopsy carried out on the body. The thirty-three is now the youngest coronavirus victim in Lazio.


As Il Messaggero explains, Stanije arrived at the infectious disease center last Friday. Hospitalized in intensive care, his health conditions have unfortunately precipitated and there has been nothing to do to save his life.



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