EVN and JP "Vodovod I kanalizacija" will not apply for unpaid bills during this period - Employment Agency will not delete unemployed records

EVN will not turn off the electricity for the citizens while the preventive measures for protection against the virus continue, the company assures. From there they appeal to customers if they do not urgently need to come to the company's points and those who are unable to use electronic services.


Also JP “Vodovod I kanalizacija”  - Skopje, in accordance with the new situation with the corona virus in our country as well as the call of the Energy Regulatory Commission, reports that during this period, as long as the recommendations and bans of the Government and the Ministry of Health are valid, and refer to preventing the spread of corona virus, it will not exclude service users of the company who have unpaid debts.


The employment agency also informs the unemployed that they will not be deleted from the records if they are not registered in the system during this period.

The Employment Agency is informing the unemployed to postpone regular registration at the employment centers in the deadlines set for their last regular registration until the expiry date of the measures adopted - 24 March.

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