The EU will give 2,000 euros to migrants in Greece to return to their countries

The European Union will give every migrant housed in already crowded camps in the Greek islands 2,000 euros to return to their home country, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ilva Johansson announced in Athens following an agreement with the Greek government.


She said the option is temporary, lasting only a month and applies to migrants who arrived in Greece before January 1st.


She said nearly 5,000 migrants are eligible for voluntary return, the BBC reported.


Hundreds of migrants and refugees arrived by boat this month to the Greek islands near Turkey as pressure on the reception centers increased. The camps already have more than 37,000 migrants although they can only accept 6,000.


Johansson said the seven EU member states have agreed to accept at least 1,600 unaccompanied children who are considered particularly vulnerable.


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