She sang at a Roma wedding, and returned to her followers: Racists, MARCH!

"Racist, you can still 'spin' and 'bark' with your racist comments as much as you like, but the essence is clear"


The singer and former co-host of the reality show "Zadraga", Sarah Reylic, reacted to the comments posted under her clip on the YouTube channel.


The footage shows Sarah singing at a Roma wedding, and several negative comments were written about it.


The singer reacted to the comment that says "You shouldn't waste your voice" "Racist, I can only tell you you can" spin and bark as much as you like with your racist comments, but the essence is clear "


But what is the essence of your comment, and so is the essence of your life. You have no reason to offend or hate people with a different skin color.

But it is only a mirror of your soul and your hatred of yourself.


Brief and clear: "Racist MARCH". And I don't spend my voice, but earn as honestly as any other singer.

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