Chronology of Romani history - Second part

1584 Denmark and Norway: Expulsion of Roma ordered.

1586 Belarus: Nomadic Roma expelled.

1589 Denmark: Death penalty imposed for Roma  not leaving the country.

1595 Romania: Stefan Razvan, the son of a slave, becomes ruler of Moldavia.

1611 Scotland: Three Roma hanged (under 1554 law).

1633 Spain: Pragmatica of Felipe IV takes effect. Roma expelled. 

1637 Sweden: Death penalty introduced for Roma not leaving the country.

1714 Scotland: Two female Roma executed.

1715 Scotland: Ten Roma deported to Virginia.

1728 Holland: Last hunt clears out Roma.

1746 Spain: Roma to live in named towns.

1748 Sweden: Foreign Roma expelled. 

1749 Spain: Round-up and imprisonment of all Roma ordered.

1759 Russia: Roma banned from St. Petersburg. 

1776 Austria: First article published on the Indian origin of the Romani language.

1782 Hungary: Two hundred Roma charged with cannibalism.

1783 Spain: Roma language and dress banned.


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