Chronology of Romani history - Arrival

1290 Greece: Roma shoemakers appear on Mount Athos.

1322 Crete: Nomads reported on the island.

1348 Serbia: Roma reported in Prizren.

1362 Croatia: Roma reported in Dubrovnik. 

1373 Corfu: Roma reported on the island. 

1378 Bulgaria: Roma living in villages near Rila Monastery.

1385 Romania: First transaction recorded of Roma slaves.

1399 Bohemia: The first Roma is mentioned in a chronicle.

1407 Germany: Roma visit Hildesheim.

1416 Germany: Roma expelled from Meissen region. 

1418 France: First Roma reported in Colmar. Switzerland: First Roma arrive. 

1419 Belgium: First Roma reported in Antwerp. 

1420 Holland: First Roma  reported in Deventer. 

1422 Italy: Roma come to Bologna.

1423 Slovakia: Roma reported in Spissky

1425 Spain: Roma reported in Zaragoza.

1447 Catalonia: Roma first reported.

1468 Cyprus: Roma first reported.

1485 Sicily: Roma first reported.

1500 Russia: Roma first reported. 

1512 Sweden: First Roma arrive.

1553 Estonia: First Roma appear in the country.

1579 Wales: Roma first reported.

1580 Finland: First Roma reported on the mainland.

1692 Austria: Roma reported in Villach.



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