RBICM responds: Sirhan Usain is a typical example of discrimination!

In light of the unfortunate incident that occurred on 09.02.2020 around 10:45 on the JSP bus, in which a Roma student, Sirhan Usain, was exposed to misconduct and inappropriate behavior by JSP staff (controllers), RBICM responds to the entire event .


The event is described on the PB profile of Sirhan Usain, who described the entire situation in detail.

On the basis of that statement Usain himself gave a statement to the police officers.

Because it is an event that both the public and RBICM are interested in, it is of the opinion that this society deserves an equal chance for all without any survivors of oppressors, oppression, threats and discrimination.


Any misconduct, insult or threat deserves a proper response from all instances and institutions in the country, demanding correction of violence, hate speech and discrimination on any grounds.


That is why RBICM demands proper treatment and protection of the law student Sirhan Usain and at the same time we call on the Public Transport Company - JSP, on behalf of the thugs - to publicly denounce and apologize for the misconduct of their employees and take action and take responsibility. for correction so that it will not be repeated.


At the same time, it publicly calls on the officials of the Ministry of Interior, the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, the Ombudsman and the Public Transport Enterprise to take the necessary measures and to clear the case completely.


Otherwise similar reaction and condemnation of the whole event were sent by other Roma NGOs and associations such as "Kham Sijan" and "Romaversitas" etc.

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