Prison Corruption - Mobile with internet for 600, no internet up to 200 euros

The Most Profitable Mobile Business in the State Penitentiary.

Cell phones, a visit to a prison doctor and a dentist, a refrigerator are some of the services that prison inmates throughout Macedonia, in some research by journalists and international organizations, stress that they can get at the prison at certain prices.


The situation with corruption in the past has been much worse, they estimate. Now the situation is somehow more under control, but some things can be bought in the prison, some of which a prisoner may not own


Big business in jail is cell phones. A prisoner must not own a cellphone, but most have it. A regular phone that can only be used for phone calls costs at least 130 and can cost up to 200 euros.


It must be said, however, that corruption is not at the level at which it is publicized, as such statements of corruption are mostly excuses by convicts who are not satisfied with some conditions in prison.


Responsibility for the conditions in which prison police work is ascribed to previous management, and they hope that if new jobs are approved they will be able to devote more effectively to securing convicts and preventing corruption in prison.



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