Three weeks without electricity! Roma from the settlement in Nis February 12 protest!

About a hundred residents of the the settlement in Nis district of 12 February took to the streets in protest, carrying banners and stopping traffic on the E 771 regional road, complaining of power outages.


Thread police also intervened on the spot and moved the protesters out of this regional road. Representatives from this neighborhood, after talking to the police, stopped the protest for not reporting on the rally.


The neighborhood is home to about 100 families and power cuts have been suspended two weeks ago due to alleged "malfunction of the installation"

The power distribution team went on the ground but did not intervene due to the huge debt and no grounds for re-connection.


In the meantime, Roma from this neighborhood also met with Nis Mayor Darko Bulatovic and the director of the EPS, but no agreement was reached.


Citizens have announced new protests and insist on meeting with local government and representatives of Electricity Distribution, while expecting support from Roma activists in resolving this problem.



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