Survey on the Financial and Non-Financial Support of CSOs by Local Authorities in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Within the framework of the project "Civil Society Organizations in the Service of Local Democracy", the Association of Local Government and Publicly Owned Enterprises (LPH), in cooperation with the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) - Skopje and the European Movement prepared a research on financial and non-financial support to CSOs by local authorities in the Republic of North Macedonia.


The most significant findings of the research are:


93% of municipalities allocate funds to CSOs;

80% of municipalities believe that projects implemented by CSOs provide wider benefits to citizens and society;

70% of municipalities have the practice of cooperating with CSOs in the area of ​​project implementation and implementation;

67% of municipalities have not identified priority areas for allocation of funds to CSOs;

56% of municipalities publish public calls for funding of CSOs. and advertisements are usually made through the municipal website, local internet portals, and local television and radio stations;

50% of municipalities do not have a separate sector for cooperation with CSOs and most often have a co-operative person who belongs to another sector (local economic development, legal sector, public sector and other sectors);

40% of municipalities promote cooperation with CSOs by providing non-financial support.

80% of municipalities require CSOs to report on projects that have been financially supported by the municipality;

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