The government has banned the forced execution of socially endangered citizens by law

An amendment to the Law on Enforcement has recently been adopted which reflects the real need for assistance and support to the endangered categories of persons facing existential problems, but also to socially vulnerable groups of persons who are not at their own risk of being able to settle their debts without jeopardizing their livelihoods, not only personally but also for their families.


The amendments - completely exempt from compulsory enforcement the incomes of the citizens who are beneficiaries of guaranteed minimal social security assistance, the child benefits in accordance with the Law on Child Protection, as well as the social security benefits of the elderly, in accordance with the social security regulations of the elderly. persons.


In addition, the changes reduce the amount of maximum value that can be retained or changed.


- restrictions on performance from 1/3 to 1/5 of salary and pension

for the recipients of average salary and pension, reimbursement of accommodation costs and foster care allowance, as well as children of family pension beneficiaries

- The application of the legal provisions also applies to the already started enforcement as a more favorable law for the citizens.


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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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