Over 450 Roma children from socially at risk families are exempt from paying kindergarten

Over 450 Roma children whose families are at social risk are exempt
participation in kindergarten visits within the block grants that local governments receive from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

As of December 2018, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has systematically tackled the inclusion of Roma children by including local government units as part of the goals set out in the National Strategy for Roma 2014-2020.

Early childhood development is the basis for the further development and education of each individual and that is why the MOLSP has devoted and invested heavily in early childhood development for the past two and a half years.

It has been invested in 43 kindergartens and at the same time has strengthened the professional competences of educators through various programs, but also by increasing salaries. Just over the past year, kindergarten employees' salaries have increased 26 percent, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy said.

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