Banja Luka drama epilogue: Old woman and her daughter left homeless based on untitled document

The Popovic family, the elderly Vukosawa, and her daughter Sanja were evicted from a family house where they lived for 50 years on unsolicited documentation.

The family now has an eight-day appeal period to decide on the Banja Luka District Court.

The family lawyer says that in his 24-year law career he does not remember such a case.

"The family was literally evicted from their home where they lived for over 50 years for an alleged debt of about 3500 euros, and the dog is worth around 100,000 euros," the lawyer said.

- Janko Trivic did not sue for a fictional debt of 3500 euros. It came with a document with no verification that had no stamp! - said Sanja Popovic.


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