NO PAYMENT: These debts expire after 1 year

No one can shut off your electricity, without your consent!
The statute of limitations shall run from the first day following the date on which the creditor was entitled to claim the obligation, that is, from the date of maturity of the obligation.

From that moment until the expiration of the last day of the statute of limitations, the creditor has a legal opportunity to make his claim through the court.

The termination of the statute of limitations shall be effected by the debtor's recognition of the debt, the filing of a lawsuit, and any other creditor action taken against the debtor before a court or other competent authority for the purpose of ascertaining, securing or realizing the claim. The issuance of warnings before a lawsuit and the like do not interrupt the statute of limitations.

After the creditor has filed a lawsuit against the debtor and upon the termination of the statute of limitations, the statute of limitations shall start to run again from the day the dispute is terminated or otherwise terminated.

It is often the case that citizens get a discounted account even ten years ago, in which case the creditor's date of expiry should be taken into account as to whether the 1 year limit for claim expired.

If the creditor has expired within the stipulated period of one year, there are no conditions for filing a statute of limitation, since the expiration of the credit itself is interrupted until a final decision is reached.

This raises the question of the state's responsibility for the high costs incurred as a result of the inaction of the courts, which unfortunately fall unnecessarily on the debtors.

IMPORTANT: All claims established by a final court decision or by another competent authority, or settlement before a court or other competent authority, shall expire for ten years, even those for which the law otherwise provides for a shorter period of limitation.

This applies to claims that are legally binding and therefore cannot be contested with anything.


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