The Council of Europe estimates that there are approximately 1,250 Roma living in Cyprus (0.16% of the population). For more data on the situation on the Roma in this country, please see the overview published by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights.
For the 2014-2020 period, Cyprus will receive a total of €724 million (current prices) in EU funds, out of which €422 million will come from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Of this amount, at least 30.7% will be spent on the ESF, with at least 20% of that going towards the promotion of social inclusion and combating poverty. The latter could also finance Roma-related measures.
Cyprus’ National Roma Integration Strategy is not a strategy as such, but rather an integrated set of policy measures within Cyprus’s social inclusion policies. In view of the small size of its Roma population, the Cypriot approach is to promote integration through existing structures targeting vulnerable groups. The strategy includes two housing projects for Cypriot Roma.