There is still no potable water in Prilep in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico

According to the NGO sector in Prilep there are between 9 and 10 thousand Roma, and according to the 2002 census nearly 4,500 Roma.

They mainly live in Trizla, but are also found in illegal Roma settlements such as Tri Bagrema, Mexico and others.

Housing as one of the biggest problems of Roma in Prilep is an obstacle for the citizens to provide normal living conditions. Legalization in the municipality of Prilep is an old problem.

Otherwise Ilija Jovanoski - Mayor of Prilep municipality mentioned that
of the Roma population there are about 2,500 - 3,000 legalization facilities in the last period of which about 50% were realized.

At this point, a DUP of 30 hectares has been built in that part of the Roma community in Trizla 2A and about 60 hectares remain in the urbanization phase.

In the area called Berovska, part of the neighborhood of Mexico, at the entrance there is a damaged asphalt where ethnically mixed population lives next to the neighborhood.
Where Roma homes start, there is no asphalt, some households have no water

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