What is the meaning of Kali Sara - the Roma saint!

Kali Sara is a mythical patron of the Roma people whose center of renovation is located in the town of Sen-Mari-de-la-Mer, located southeast of France, in the Provence-Alpes region. Cote d'Azur. Here in this city on the Mediterranean coast, every year, Roman pilgrims gather to celebrate it by ritual bathing in the sea.

According to numerous legends during the persecution of Christians, probably in the 42nd day of our age Lazarus with his sisters Mary and Martha of Bethany, then with Mary Salom (where the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates her only as Salome), the mother of the apostle John and James with a boat fled Palestine and arrived safely on the south coast of Sen-Mari-de-la-Mer.

By some versions this legend was accompanied by Kali Sara who was a servant, and in another version not only a maid but also a native of Upper Egypt. Another tradition says that Kali Sarah was already there and welcomed the Three Marys as the daughter of a tribal Gauls chief who allegedly saved them from the tide.
It was first reported in the 13th century, and Sarah is mentioned for the first time in 1521 in the book of the legends of the Saints, where she is portrayed as a charity who helps people through begging and is therefore believed to be she was a Roma.

That is why the Roma themselves have accepted it as their saint where every 24th of May they come to this place carrying her statue to the sea where they symbolically symbolize her arrival on that shore.

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