The "Zegin Medic" polyclinic was opened at the opening ceremony and the Balkan star Zdravko Colic

The polyclinic "Zegin Medic" was ceremoniously opened recently in Bunjakovec, Skopje. On this occasion, the chief manager of "Zegin" Blagoja Mehandziski, among other invited guests with his presence, was honored by the famous Balkan music star Zdravko Colic, who together in a ceremonial manner put into operation and this modern and renovated medical institution started its work.

In other words, PZU "Zegin Medika" was founded by Dr Verica Mehandjiska in April 1998.
The main goal of this clinic is to provide full health examinations and specialist health services to patients and to provide them with expert help for their health problems. Within the polyclinic there are 4 services, which, according to the principle of the primary doctor, serve 5000 patients.

PZU "Zegin Medika" is the only polyclinic offering a bioresonant method. Bioresonance therapy is a correction of body functions under the influence of electromagnetic oscillations of strictly determined parameters responding to a particular frequency spectrum of acoustic waves.

In addition, ZEGIN MEDICA offers you diagnosing slime apnea with the latest methods and home-based polygraphy. This serious disorder is manifested by a cessation of breath during sleep, and by applying appropriate therapy to the patient, a better life is provided.

In addition to these new state-of-the-art technologies, the polyclinic offers the following services: general examinations with bio-chemical laboratory for general bio-chemical analysis, complete blood count, internist examinations, allergological examinations, ECG, abdominal eyelid, thyroid gland and breast, (examinations for osteoporosis) and many other services.

It also offers advice and consultations by specialists in various fields of medicine, as well as systematic and periodic health examinations for employees.

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