Representatives of the Macedonian Anti-Poverty Platform sent a request to the Speaker of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi, as well as to all MPs in the near future to be put on the agenda and the new Law on Social Protection and Child Protection passed.
- We want to point out the harm that directly affects a very marginalized group. More than 25,000 families await adoption of this law, which does not address the problem of poverty, but gives hope for leaving the circle in which they have been spinning for a long time, said Zoran Bikovski, a representative from MAPP.
He pointed out that the persons from socially endangered families still live with social assistance in the amount of 2,000 denars, (35 euros) instead, as he said, the same provision of the law, referring to the amount of social assistance, should be replaced with a minimum income that will allow for a four-member family of at least 9,000 (150 euros) to 11,000 denars (185 euros) if their children attend school.
- This means introducing an educational allowance, and for the families of beneficiaries of social assistance, the introduction of child allowance, says Bikovski.
He pointed out that more than 5,000 families are waiting for an old-age pension to be introduced, which will allow people who do not have 15 years of service to be eligible for income.