From November 10th, new rules for entry into the European Union, from next year an online application will also be required

New rules for entering the European Union for citizens from visa-free countries, including Macedonia. From November 10, there will be increased checks at entry and exit and biometric scanning, and from the middle of next year, the application of ETIAS, the new security mechanism of the Schengen zone, will fully begin.

The system will collect and check data on traveling passengers in order to detect potential security risks.

This means that it will be necessary to apply online, at least a month before the trip. Although it is expected to wait from a few minutes to four days for data processing, there is a possibility that the system will detect additional checks and more information will be requested from travelers, even being invited to a conversation at the Embassy of the country they want to travel to.

When applying, travelers will pay a fee of 7 euros, and it will be free for people under 18 and over 70.

Once approved, it will be valid for three years or until the passport expires.

With a valid ETIAS you can enter the territory of European countries as often as you want for a short stay, up to 90 days every 180 days. However, ETIAS does not guarantee entry. The border officer will still require a passport and other documents confirming that you meet the entry requirements.

The ETIAS form will not have to be completed by persons who have a valid visa or residence permit in an EU country. The form is also not filled in by persons living near the border and possessing border passes.

According to the rules of the border crossings, a biometric check of the passenger is required, i.e. fingerprints or a photo of himself, but if you have a biometric passport, then the entry is simpler and faster. Citizens who have biometric passports do not need to go to passport control through an official if the electronic check does not show any obstacle.

The visa-free travel regime in EU member states for Macedonia was introduced in 2009, which was one of the biggest benefits of European integration, and gave the impression to citizens that they are getting closer to the European family, even though Macedonia has been at the gates of Brussels for years due to various reasons. blockages.

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