The people of Roma blood who ruled Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania

As many Bulgarians fondly remember Bai Tosho, so many Bulgarians curse the "right-wing Roma". Without realizing how right they are - because scientists have already proven the Roma origin of Todor Zhivkov. According to prof. Todor Balkanski, according to Zhivkov's paternal line, comes from Russian farmers. In 1877, Major Sozi, a "nervous and serious man", was the district governor of Orhaniye. He had the idea to turn the mosque into a church and baptize the local Muslim Roma. The baptism took place in the time of his successor Mirkovic - a barrel filled with water rolled in his office and the priest baptized the new Christians in it. Thus, the name of the Jasharovci family was translated from Turkish into Bulgarian and the Zhivkovci family appeared. And Todor Zhivkov's mother - Maruca - was from a family of Vlach Roma from Somovit.
The case of Romanian dictator Ceausescu is similar. He was born on January 26, 1918 in the Vlach village of Skornichet with the name Nikolae Chaush. According to prof. In the Balkans, his origins are from Roma settlers who were called "Bulgarians". At the age of 14, he became a member of the Romanian Communist Party. He later added an "escu" addition to the "style" and thus became Nicolae Ceausescu, who declared himself a genius of the Carpathians. Unlike Zhivkov's official role vis-.-Vis Moscow, Ceausescu has the courage to reach out to the Kremlin and not even take part in the Prague Spring pogrom by Warsaw Pact forces.
In earlier times, there was another example of a man of Roma blood who succeeded to become a prince and even to lead the principality of Moldova. His name is Stefan Razvan. According to one version, he was the son of a Vlach serf and a Roma who was a slave of Prince Mihai Vitezhul. As a child, Stefan was a slave of Anastasi, Metropolitan of Moldavia, who gave him a good education, and then in his will the Metropolitan freed him. Thanks to his personal qualities, Stefan Razvan became a painter. He also managed to become the commander of Prince Aaron Tyranolus' bodyguard. At one point, the bodyguard Stephen dethroned the prince and ascended the throne for five months (April to August 1595), with the support of Poland. After all, he ends his life, nailed to a stake.


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