The government organizes, Samka "conducts" and the Government does not attend any Roma-related event

In the Club of MPs was organized 8th working meeting for social inclusion of Roma in Macedonia. Although the Agenda also included representatives of the Government, the Prime Minister, etc., as well as foreign embassies, NGO representatives, etc.

The event is organized by the government and there are no government officials.
Does this indicate the capacity of the Cabinet of Ministers without Portfolio and Minister Muzaffer Bajram, or more specifically the influence of the Roma representative in government Samka Ibraimovski on his coalition partner?

In the meantime, gentlemen from the EU, Nicolas Bertolini and Martha Garcia Hidalgo, also spoke.
Mr Bertolini has seen how "Roma" heading the "leader" Samba from his own state are, and we will ask that they be appreciated in the EU as well.

One thing is clear that this event reflected Samka's true image and political power in her home state and her place on the state agenda.
There is no integration, no social inclusion of the Roma, but there will be no integration into the European Union with such "Roma leaders"

In all this situation besides the Roma, collateral damage turns out to be Minister Muzaffer Bislim - neither guilty nor obliged. That's his credentials!

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