Political wisdom - In order to become a master, a politician must at the start be presented to you as a servant!

In this context, here are some famous quotes from celebrities and related politics. So in the future, decide for whom and how you give your vote!

- Every political friendship has its own goal. When it does, it breaks down!

- In order to become a master, a politician must at the start be presented to you as a servant!

- Politicians everywhere are the same: They promise to build a bridge - and where there is no river.

- If you are in a high position, and you are praising - or lied to you, or planning to deceive you

- The art of war is an art of destroying people, and politics is the art of lying

- Democracy is when a majority of the incompetent chooses several people easily bribed

- Is not politics just a skill of lying at the right moment?

- The future politician never believes in what he is talking about, and he will always be surprised when others believe him.

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