Roma Democratic Union - RDS analysis (Part Two) - No crumbs, they are very easy to target

Recognizing the fact decades ago and the position of the Roma as a unitary people in our country, and in general their positions as state apparatus in every aspect (political, social, social, etc.), so-called. "Roma leaders" themselves segregating themselves and self-initially placing themselves in a subordinate role, they get the impression that "in advance" has already been decided that they should be headed by some "bigger" factor than they themselves should fight for.

Regardless of who is in that position of the Roma, they immediately put themselves on the second, third, or do not know any other place below, rather than clearly and loudly show that they are equal to everyone else in the country.

Previous Roma political leaders, after some inertia, transmit this "epidemic" from a generation of new people who want to (or demonstrate and promote themselves) as future leaders.

Instead of percentages and special requests to the authorities to fulfill some prerequisites (social, economic, infrastructural or similar problem) with some given deadlines, it should clearly and loudly point to the anomaly and its elimination, rather than build a strategy something like "We want this and this and its realization by then and then ", it is necessary to clearly and openly say in every way its solution.

As the requirements of the non-Roma population are solved, it is also necessary to solve this problem for the state "peripheral nation" - the Roma.
Therefore, these "New Wave" or "Babe face" Roma leaders need to show greater tolerance and constructiveness rather than a "head" performance due to personal satisfaction, which due to their universal respect for the entire Roma nation.

We must be clear and know that - Civil and political rights are regarded as human rights. And under "human rights we mean equal and same basic rights and not the demand of some crumbs!"
We need to know that no crumbs should be required, because they are the easiest to sweep.
Let's not be the smartest thing we know about, and it turned out like in that joke when a Roma who was dealing with "Old buy" and in the meantime considered a driver and during one of the exams one of the instructors asked him:
- "Sir, what do you think is the sign that you see 40 meters from you to the dashboard?"
Then, with a slight reflection, Rommat quickly responded: "I think it's ... Aluminum!" But the RDS analysis will continue ... (Continued)

The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

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