Roma from Čakovec with an American diploma: "And we are Croatia"

Benjamin Ignac was the only Roma high school student in the hall in Čakovec, and stressed that they want to put an end to the ties, but it is difficult to overcome all the obstacles that society has in front of them.

The new generation of Roma, not only in Croatia but also in Europe, is a generation of young, motivated, politically, technologically and culturally aware individuals. The number of Roma who complete elementary school and enroll in high school.

Among the younger and more educated priorities, Roma are making a career, not at the beginning of marriage and family life, "said Benjamin Ognac, 25, an employee of the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) in Budapest, an international non-governmental organization.

Benjamin Ignac was born in Orehovica in the district of Medimurje and at one time was the only Roma in the high school in Čakovec. After a third year, he received a US College of Peace scholarship in Norway, followed by a full scholarship for geography at the University of Oklahoma, where he completed his undergraduate studies.

He continued his education at the University of Utrecht, and last year spent a few months in Colorado in a NASA research project. Today, its goal is to help its fellow countrymen show them what they can achieve by training them.

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